- 1/3 cup riced cauliflower (fresh)
- 1 egg
- 2 Tbls cocoa
- 1 Tbls sweetener
- .25 tsp baking powder
- .25 tsp cinnamon
- 2 tsp vanilla (banana, caramel or coconut)
- *optional orange zest
Add riced cauliflower, cocoa, sweetener, baking powder and cinnamon to a bullet blender. Pulse until a coarse meal.
Pour meal into a microwave safe mug.
Add egg and extract to your bullet and blend. Pour wet ingredients into the mug with dry ingredients. Stir well.
Microwave for 3 minutes. Let cool, then loosen and invert onto a plate. Sprinkle with cocoa and drizzle with sugar free caramel or chocolate sauce.
* Use a good quality extract to help mask the vegetable taste. Add a small amount of orange zest if you are using vanilla.
1 serving = calories 100, Fat 6g, Protein 9g, Net Carrbs 3g
Phase 1 = 1/2 srving fat, 1/2 sreving protein